Hotels In Teluk Intan

Anson Bay – When Doves Cry.

Teliuk Intan or formerly, Teluk Anson is a charming colonial town with many historical landmarks. There’s the Leaning Tower and the various food attractions.

Teluk Intan

Teluk Intan

Somehow, I always end up here in front of this Hindu temple in town and a big flock of pigeons are always feeding onthe road because someone kind throw grains as food.

Many Malaysians normally don’t go out of the way to avoid pigeons and enjoy seeing the birds flying helter-skelter because of some thrill they get by doing so. It makes such people feel powerful, I guess, to see animals dispersing because of them. Knowing how awful it is to be interrupted while eating, I always avoid pecking birds and take a detour which is not hard.

I set my camera to a very fast shutter speed to freeze the anticipated dispersal and waited. My awesome co driver, navigator and camera assistant then, Zyneste acted as human spotter, She told me she saw a human approaching. As expected, he crashed the bird feeding party headlong and sent all the hungry birds into flight. .Got the shot and we went to look for the famous Ah Chai fruit rojak after that.

Sony A7R, ISO 1600, f16, 1/3200 sec.

With so much to do in TA, you may want to spend  a night in this west coast town.. Lavender Hotel Teluk Intan,
Angsoka Hotel Teluk Intan,
Yew Boutique Hotel Teluk Intan,
Grand Court Hotel Teluk Intan,
Merge Summit Hotel, Teluk Intan
Sri Bandar Hotel Teluk Intan.
Stephanie Hotel Teluk Intan,
Chin Yee Hotel Teluk Intan,

Here is another list with over 10 hotels in Teluk Intam to choose from. Number of hotels available may depend on your booking dates.

See also Hotels In Kampar, Tapah and Bidor.

#telukintan #ta #anson #perak #smalltown #pigeons #bif #streetphotpgraphy

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